Friday 16 September 2011

How much weight can i expect to lose?

This is a question i get asked all the time and the answer i give is 'you get out what you put in'

In my opinion, there are 2 main reasons why people don't lose as much weight as they'd like to and they are as follows:

    1 - They don't want it enough

I am going to be a little in your face here and say that one of the main reasons people don't achieve what they want is because they are lazy.  People don't like change but one of my favourite quotes of all time is,

           ''If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got''
Therefore if you are not prepared to change your lifestyle, diet or exercise habbits then you can't expect your body to change.

I have seen how much weight people can lose if they put effort into all 3 areas mentioned above and my clients as a result have seen drops in weight by as much as 4lbs/week.  (See Gemma's success story for more

   2 - They are confused and do the wrong thing

Another reason people don't lose weight is because i feel they don't know exactly how to go about it and therefore feel confused and end up going round in circles never really committing to one plan and seeing the results.. again, this is my opinion.

When i train my clients we sit and chat for a good while about diet, exercise, lifestyle and find the best solution to meet thier demands.  No one person is the same as the next so this isn't something i could print out and give to people on the street after a 2 minute chat.

The general things i find are:

   - People eat too many carbs (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes)
   - People don't eat enough protein
   - People don't consume enough fish oils
   - People consume too many dairy products
   - People eat the wrong food at the wrong times of day.

So, to sum up... if you want to lose weight and change your body, turn the TV off, get off the couch and get moving!
Eat lots of protein, fruit and veg, cut out bread, rice, pasta, and dairy and get that omega-3 down your neck!

Thanks for reading.

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